Henrik’s Story
Before vision therapy, I was having problems reading. The words looked smushed into nonsense words. After vision therapy, they look spread out into regular words!
Abbie’s Story
“She enjoys reading now when she didn’t before. Thank you, Elaine and Advanced Vision of Louisville, for helping my girl love reading and writing.”
Abbie came to Advanced Vision of Louisville complaining of “trouble reading, skips words and sometimes lines, and doesn’t like to read for more than 10 minutes at a time.” She also suffered from frequent headaches, eyes fatigue easily, discomfort reading for long periods, delayed focus recovery, misreading words and letter reversals.
Here is what she had to say after graduation:
Before Vision Therapy, I was having problems with reading. I was skipping lines while I read and having to go back and re-read the line again. I believe I read in my head faster, but when I read out loud I felt like I was struggling and I couldn’t speak clearly. Now ever since I have been going to vision therapy I feel more confident with my reading and I find out the main thing in the book.
I read this book “The School for Good and Evil” three times and never really understood it, until I was cleaning my room and I found the book. I opened it and read it, and it made a lot more sense and I could read it more easily. I believe that vision therapy helped me with my reading and I couldn’t have done it without Vision Therapy and Elaine. Elaine made my learning fun and exciting. I will miss her a lot!
Thank you so much.
Here is Abbie’s parents’ perspective:
Abbie was skipping words and lines when reading. Because of vision therapy she was able to strengthen her eye muscles. Elaine was extremely encouraging and pushed Abbie when she needed to be stretched. Abbie’s self-esteem and confidence increased and she became proud of herself when she noticed she could do better and better with the exercises. She enjoys reading now when she didn’t before. Thank you, Elaine and Advanced Vision of Louisville, for helping my girl love reading and writing.
Ellie’s Story
“Now she has confidence in reading, she is much faster and comprehends much better.”
Ellie came to Advanced Vision of Louisville complaining of “Eye’s jumping.” It was revealed that she also suffered a head injury as an infant. She is bothered by her eyes fatiguing easily, loss of place while reading, loss of concentration during task performance, misreads words, skips lines or words, makes letter reversals, has poor posture while reading, and complains that it takes longer to read than she wishes.
Here is what Ellie had to say following graduation:
My eyes were not working together properly. When I was a few months old I cracked my skull. Recently I realized reading was getting more difficult and I was getting slower at reading. When I got my eyes checked they told me I needed Vision Therapy. After a few months of Vision Therapy, I was much better and reading more fluently.
Here is what Ellie’s parents had to say:
Ellie was having problems with reading. She would lose her place and would not comprehend what she read. It would take so long to read a chapter and that was only after she was reminded multiple times to concentrate. Now she has confidence in reading, she is much faster and comprehends much better. She still thinks she’s slow, but she needs to read more to be able to read faster.
Matthew’s Story
“Our only regret is that we did not know/couldn’t have helped him sooner.”
Matthew was having problems with letter reversal & was a slow reader. He would have headaches & a difficult time staying on task when doing his math homework. Despite enjoying reading, he would struggle with spelling and fully comprehending what he read. Many of his problems we attributed to his age. or just being the way he was. We did decide to have his vision checked because of the nightly headaches. We were referred to Dr. Weinberg and his team. So much of what they explained of Matthew’s issues “clicked.” After following their therapy plan, Matthew has a much easier time with his homework. He can concentrate better on his work. Homework no longer requires a parent to “babysit” & help him stay on task. His spelling and comprehension have improved. Our only regret is that we did not know/couldn’t have helped him sooner.
Claire’s Story
“We’re also seeing incredible improvement in the quality of her work as well in overall self confidence.”
We have seen incredible decreases in the time it takes her to finish work, and the frustration level she experiences while doing the work. We’re also seeing incredible improvement in the quality of her work as well in overall self confidence. We are grateful for this program!